Tablet & Technology Program: teaching and access to technology for seniors

Tablet Loan Program & Communication Program

  • Come into Flourish to discuss loaning a tablet, we currently have 20 tablets we are able to loan to members of Flourish. Facebook and Messenger apps are uploaded to the tablet.
  • The goal is to help older adults learn to use technology. How technology can be used to call and video chat through Wi-Fi.
  • Provide training on Facebook and Messenger. What are there uses? How to register? What is facetime? Can I call family and friends through Messenger even though I do not have a long distance plan? We will answer all of your questions.
  • Flourish will be used as a communication Hub for those that do not have Wi-Fi or long distance plans to use our tablets to call and chat with family and friends for FREE.
Come in to see us today!